Thursday, November 12, 2009

Making choices. - 日々の選択。

"It is our choices...that show what we truly are,
far more than our abilities."
- J.K. Rowling

- J.K. ロウリング

Awesome blue Seattle sky from our window today!
(Sorry Chris & Ruth - but you got to see Seattle in its natural state :P)

Sometimes we see someone who is far smarter than we are (and I don't mean "smart" in school), and realize how stupid we've been. Such was the case with me yesterday.

Sure, it's a tough season for those with fibromyalgia -- each time I wake up I feel like someone must have beaten me up in my sleep, and wonder from my painful joints if I've developed arthritis to go along with my other stuff.

Sure, my chronic infections (EBV or mono/HHV6) are still active, and I've had fever each time I moved around. So I've done the bare minimum in terms of stretching and such, saying, "I'm hurting too much, & I have a fever."

But I have the luxury of choice.

I can choose to do my stretching, knowing if I don't stretch enough, my muscle may weaken and hurt more in the future. (Not receiving proper advice, there are people with FMS who become severely disabled this way.)

Others don't have that luxury.

Yesterday, I watched a Japanese TV documentary on NHK about two 14-year olds. One of them, a boy, has congenital muscular dystrophy, and the other one, a girl, has cerebral palsy. Both of them discovered boccia (a.k.a. bocce), a Paralympic sport that can be played from a wheelchair, and practice really hard to compete in the Youth Paralympics.

As I watched the boy stretch his muscles every day with his mother's help, I realized I was really spoiled. "Ouch, ow, ow," he cries, because it really hurts to stretch his rapidly weakening muscles, but he is smiling, and his mom is smiling. They know if they don't go through the painful ritual, the only road is down -- he would eventually be immobilized completely. But they have a goal, and are joyfully, sometimes tearfully, working toward that goal. In the little choice they have, they are choosing to make the best of it.

In my defense, I'm new at this -- I've only been sick for a few years, and they have over a decade of experience on me. But still, I felt stupid, because I am blessed to have all kinds of choices. I have a choice to walk on my own feet, I have a choice to stretch, I have a choice to set various goals and live joyfully.

Yet I hadn't taken advantages of those choices lately.

So I need to remind myself: No matter how sick I might feel, I still have choices. And I need to choose to make the best of each day I live.


Another (not so great, I know) pic from our window -- of a maple tree. Pretty!



それに加えて単核症 (mono/EBV) と HHV6 ウィルスの慢性感染がなかなか良くならないので、ちょっと動くたびに熱が出る。だから甘えて、最近ストレッチとか、最小限しかしてませんでした。「痛い痛い、熱がある」って。




昨日、(再放送かな?)NHKで、ヒューマンドキュメンタリー「ふたりの14歳~ボッチャ 自立への階段~」という番組を見ました。二組の親子が出てきて、両方お子さんが14歳。そのうちの一人、男の子は生まれつき筋ジストロフィーを患っており、女の子のほうは脳性マヒなので、二人とも車椅子、介護なしには生活できません。その二人とご家族が、ボッチャという車椅子でもできるスポーツに出会って、懸命に練習してユースパラリンピック出場を目指す様子を追ったものでした。





*おわり* 長いのに読んでくれてありがとう!\(^o^)


Only in Seattle...? We found this cute Vespa w/ a coffee cup holder!