The nighttime, coupled with pain, is such an effective invitation for dark thinking.
My logical side tells me that things will be better in the morning, yet, my heart has a hard time listening to it. Everyone else (well, except for others with insomnia or similar problems) is fast asleep, and I hear an ambulance in the distance. I hope whoever needed the care is OK.
My feet are throbbing in pain with each heartbeat I feel like I have extra hearts in there. I casually mentioned to my massage therapist yesterday that the circulation in my feet felt congested and made me feel nauseous; he immediately offered handstand as a solution. Hmm, how would I do that when my hands and wrists and arms and shoulders are in pain as well? (I know he meant well. I do elevate my feet with multiple pillows.)
My emotional side is strapped down with guilt. The guilt that I hurt. the guilt that I need to go see so many doctors and spend money on medicine. The guilt I can't do more around the house. The guilt I haven't worked for so long. (My common sense tells me that if I were a hiring manager, I wouldn't want to hire someone who gets exhausted, sweaty, light-headed and confused after 1-2 hours.) I even tried listening to meditation tapes specifically designed to help me forgive myself, but it was no use.
Then my doubts for my medical care pop up. As much as I like my doctors and they are supposed to be among the best, everyone is eager to fit me into the mold of their practice. They all promise an improvement, but often seem perplexed about my case. Just how much improvement? There is no telling, and I think a lot of it is up to me. The best I can do is feed myself well, exercise, stay optimistic, sleep, and hope I would boost things like my natural killer cells.
So I know in my head, this nighttime exercise of beating myself up is really in vain. It's more difficult for my heart to understand. I truly hope I can look back at this in the future and laugh at myself. :-/
夜中の暗さと痛みというのは、くらーいことを考え出すのにMy logical side tells me that things will be better in the morning, yet, my heart has a hard time listening to it. Everyone else (well, except for others with insomnia or similar problems) is fast asleep, and I hear an ambulance in the distance. I hope whoever needed the care is OK.
My feet are throbbing in pain with each heartbeat I feel like I have extra hearts in there. I casually mentioned to my massage therapist yesterday that the circulation in my feet felt congested and made me feel nauseous; he immediately offered handstand as a solution. Hmm, how would I do that when my hands and wrists and arms and shoulders are in pain as well? (I know he meant well. I do elevate my feet with multiple pillows.)
My emotional side is strapped down with guilt. The guilt that I hurt. the guilt that I need to go see so many doctors and spend money on medicine. The guilt I can't do more around the house. The guilt I haven't worked for so long. (My common sense tells me that if I were a hiring manager, I wouldn't want to hire someone who gets exhausted, sweaty, light-headed and confused after 1-2 hours.) I even tried listening to meditation tapes specifically designed to help me forgive myself, but it was no use.
Then my doubts for my medical care pop up. As much as I like my doctors and they are supposed to be among the best, everyone is eager to fit me into the mold of their practice. They all promise an improvement, but often seem perplexed about my case. Just how much improvement? There is no telling, and I think a lot of it is up to me. The best I can do is feed myself well, exercise, stay optimistic, sleep, and hope I would boost things like my natural killer cells.
So I know in my head, this nighttime exercise of beating myself up is really in vain. It's more difficult for my heart to understand. I truly hope I can look back at this in the future and laugh at myself. :-/
ガックリ。 手も手首も腕も肩も痛いというのに
痛いことに罪悪感。 医者にいろいろ通って
偏る。 改善する筈、と言われるのだが、それと同時に
いうような顔も見せる。 どれだけ改善できるのだろうか。
それはわからない。 わたしが自分ですること、
頭では分かっている。 心に悟らせるのは難しい。