I gave Daniel a sweater for Christmas. He likes it so much, he wears it way too often - as a result, it's ended up with lots of pills after just a month of wear. (-_-) Pills were everywhere!
So there I was the other night, trying to remove pills with one of those de-fuzzing combs, as well as a shaver. After about 10 minutes of effort, it looked much better. But as it got better, less noticeable ones stood out more: "Oh, there's some over here too!" "Oh wait, I missed this whole section." It seemed there wasn't an end to this.
These little ones didn't stick out when there were big pills everywhere - then they became suddenly bothersome when it became close to being perfect, with the big ones gone. I figured, life is a lot like this.
A few years ago, on many days I could barely walk. Just about a year ago, I was tormented by the sore throat (complete with white spots!) that lasted for almost two years. It seemed I couldn't function without the weekly immune support IVs.
Now, things are much better. I still can't talk very much or I suffer, but I don't wake up with a sore throat every day. Most of the time I can drive myself to appointments. I'm not afraid to walk around our neighborhood - I no longer fear pain would stop me in my tracks.
So compared to before, I'm like the sweater with much smaller pills. I still notice the painful fingers when I type or knit (or just browse); I still tire easily; my eyes hurt when I look at the computer screen. But you know what? Those things only happen because I'm able to be up and about doing things. Before, the bigger problem was that I could never get up and use the computer (though I still used my laptop sideways in bed).
Nowadays my chair gets much more use because I have enough energy to be upright. Complaining that my body hurts from sitting in it is not unlike chasing after the smaller pills on the sweater. The closer something is to being perfect, the more smaller flaws we notice.
Every time I'm tempted to complain, I will remember: Life is actually pretty good right now, just like that sweater.
P.S. The crowning achievement(?) of the past year: Now I can carry my own purse much of the time! Though I do appreciate that I have a nice husband who is willing to carry it when I start hurting.